New electricity rates

3 de June de 2021
Nueva regulación de tarifas eléctricas

From the 1st of June 2021 new electricity rates will be implemented in Spain, changing in many aspects from the previous ones.

As a mejor update, the electrical discrimination will be modified to allow for a new time zone system with diverse slots: Punta, llano and valle, with a day and night tariff distinction. All these changes come with the intention to reduce energy consumption and distribute consumption throughout the day.

This reform will affect all electricity distributors who, from now on, must be more transparent with their revenues.

From KM2 we recommend an in-depth comparison between the different electricity distributors, in order to ensure energy savings and an optimal consumption.

comercializadoras electricidad

Energy distributors will be required to inform consumers about the new prices.

1. The 2.0TD energy tariff substitutes the 2.0 y 2.1

Before the 1st of June 2021 there were 6 different types of tariffs depending on the amount of energy you required. From the 1st of June 2021, these 6 tariffs united into one, which includes the three different time zones: punta, llano y valle.

nuevas tarifas luz

2. Time zones: New timetables for the diffferent energy 2.0TD tariff slots

The new slots for energy diferentiation of the 2.0TD are, from more expensive to cheaper, punta (P1), llano (P2) and valle (P3). The timetable for each one of this slots go as follows:

  • From Monday yo Friday the slots will be distributed as: lunes a viernes las franjas horarias se dividirán en tres: 
    • Punta (Higher cost) – from 10:00 to 14:00 and 18:00 to 22:00.
    • Llano (Medium cost) – from 8:00 to 10:00, from 14:00 to 18:00 and from 22:00 to 00:00.
    • Valle (Lower cost) – from 00:00 a 8:00.
  • Saturdays, Sundays and national holidays will be considered valle throughout the entire day.

All these slots are shown in the graphic below.

nueva regulación tarifas eléctricas

3. Two different tariffsavailable for purchase

From now on, two different tariffs can be chosen instead of only one as before.

  • Valle or nocturna (the cheapest): From 00:00h to 8:00h. Weekends and national holidays.
  • Punta or diurna (The most expensive): From 8:00h to 00:00h.

This option is specially convenient, for example, to charge electrical vehicles at night.

nueva regulación tarifas eléctricas españa
Gráfico Endesa

Energy saving recommendations

  • Move energy consumption to the valle slot or llano, whenever possible,
  • Make use of both available tariffs, reducing the consumption during the day (punta) and incrementing it during the night (valle)
  • Avoid turning on different
  • Evita encender varios aparatos a la vez para ajustarte al máximo a la potencia contratada.

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